Hire an NYC Medical Malpractice Attorney When Plastic Surgery Goes Bad

Plastic surgery has become quite popular nowadays; in the United States alone, you can expect 15.1 million cosmetic procedures happening in a single year. No matter how cosmetic a procedure is, however, it is still a medical procedure and there is a chance of a mistake happening. The best-case scenario is that the procedure left you with bad scarring or something cosmetic, and at worst, you may have to deal with something life-threatening like an infection or a blood clot. When something does go wrong, hiring an NYC medical malpractice attorney from firms like the Law Offices of Joseph Lichtenstein is your best chance of getting compensation for what happened.

Hire an NYC Medical Malpractice Attorney When Plastic Surgery Goes Bad

Usual Mistakes

The medical malpractice attorneys of NYC who specialize in plastic surgery mistakes know some of the general risks of undergoing plastic surgery. These include infection, allergic reaction to anesthesia, blood clotting, scarring, lowered blood pressure, necrosis, and nerve damage. Among the greater risks are those concerned with anesthesia; if performed at a hospital, a cosmetic procedure will have hospital-qualified anesthesiologists on hand. In a personal clinic, however, the anesthesia may be applied by nurses or someone not fully trained in anesthesia use. This increases the chance of something going wrong.

Specific cosmetic procedures also have their own unique risks. For example: breast augmentation surgery usually involves placing implants filled with silicone or saline solution inside the body. It would be devastating to have these implants burst or rupture; saline implants would only deflate but silicone can be dangerous to a person’s health. Additionally, the implant may harden, making breasts feel unnaturally hard instead of naturally soft. Other procedures have their own specific problems that may pop up depending on a cosmetic surgeon’s expertise.

Medical Malpractice Filing

Cosmetic surgery mistakes can do a lot of damage, both physically and financially. Expensive corrective surgeries can drain your funds and the costs of maintaining your health can add to the bill. This is why it is advisable to file a medical malpractice claim to ensure that you get compensation for the hurt caused to you.

It’s actually fairly easy to file medical malpractice for cosmetic surgery errors because the four requirements are easy to meet. First: the doctor-patient relationship. Second: determining what a skilled plastic surgeon would have done, proving that the attending doctor should have maintained the standards of care. Third and fourth: proving that the patient was hurt and that the botched surgery was the cause of the damage. Keep these in mind and seek a skilled medical malpractice attorney to help you get the compensation you deserve.

(Source: Here Are the Most Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures In Three Charts, Time)

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