Joseph Lichtenstein, Esq. wins 11 Million Dollar Verdict for his client in a Stroke Case in Bronx County

malpractice attorney of the year 2024 Joseph Lichtenstein.

JOSEPH LICHTENSTEIN, Senior Attorney for The Law Offices of JOSEPH M. LICHTENSTEIN PC, obtained a Verdict of $11 Million Dollars in a highly contested Medical Malpractice case in Bronx County Supreme Court. The Verdict was rendered on June 24, 2024.

The defendants never offered any money in settlement prior to the Verdict. 

The jury was unanimous in holding both Defendant doctors liable. 

The jury found that the plaintiff, who was an MTA Bus Driver, suffered a STROKE, causing Brain Damage, as a result of the defendant’s failure to diagnose a DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) in his calf, despite ongoing complaints of calf pain. 

The evidence showed that the plaintiff had the DVT for over a year, and it had caused PULMONARY EMBOLISMS on two prior occasions, which the doctors failed to diagnose. 

The evidence also showed that the plaintiff had suffered a small prior stroke as a result of the DVT, which was also undiagnosed

As a result of the STROKE, the plaintiff suffered cognitive impairments, memory problems, and weakness on his left side. He was also unable to return to his employment as a Bus Driver. 

Mr. Lichtenstein stated he was “very satisfied with the verdict, both in terms of the amount of money the jury awarded, but even more importantly because the jury saw the truth of what had occurred to his client.” Mr. Lichtenstein further stated that “the evidence showed that undiagnosed DVT’s kill 100,000 people a year in the United States, making it in the top 10 causes of death in the United States. 

The evidence further showed that the black community suffered a disproportionate number of deaths as a result of the failure to diagnose DVT’s. 

The plaintiff, who is African American, testified that his doctors did not listen to him when he made complaints of calf pain, a classic symptom of a DVT. Mr. Lichtenstein stated he implored the jury “to listen to the plaintiff now, and that by their verdict it was clear that they did.” 

Mr. Lichtenstein stated that in his opinion “justice has been served by this verdict.”

Mr. Lichtenstein has over 30 years’ experience in prosecuting and trying complex medical malpractice cases, and is generally considered to be one of the best medical malpractice attorneys in the State of New York, and in the Country.

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